Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Day in Mowelfund Museum


                        Hello to my dear readers! I am so back. After about two weeks hiatus here I am sharing to our the things that I'm learning from our cinema class. How are you then? Today I am giving a photo blog! For the first time I wouldn't have a hard time looking for the right citation because I took the pi urges by myself! Hope you would enjoy this post and feel free to tell your comments on how can I better improve in writing and taking pictures.

Left is Ms. Boots Anson Roa giving a talk; upper right picture of
Erap and Fpj which is the first to see as you enter the hall and lower left
FEU Ab in Mass Communication students prepare for the tour. 

                  I arrive just in time. I was running late and still clueless how to get there I use my Dora the explorer technique and ask people for diretions. Just a short tricycle ride or short walk (if already familiar with the route) from lrt betty go belmonte station, I arrive there with welcoming guards and minutes before the tour starts. Fortunately the Mowelfund President and respected actress Ms.Boots Anson Roa. She shares the perks of being the one in front of the camera  and how people behind the camera would do mostly the hard work can get small and fast credits at the end of every movie.

                    Good things - we have our professor with us and unlike other museums we are allowed to use camera with flash! The place is a bit dark, although some pictures end up to be not that good still flash is very helpful. :) My weirdness comes as we start the tour, I enjoyed the time taking photographs and appreciate the pictures. I actually waited my batch mates be gone and be the last (although I get scared sometimes haha!). To my dear non-Filipino readers I hope you too would enjoy things about our history. Disclaimer: These are the things I knew and humbly admit that I only have a few knowledge about this. If you want to learn about the Philippine Cinema and deeper knowledge about films I recommend you to visit Post Prandial Musing

The Spanish Past in Philippine Cinema

Spanish Era of the Philippine Cinema
                           I enjoyed taking pictures but didn't have the time and mood to read stuff. That is why if you're really interested I would recommend you to go and visit Mowelfund Museum. :) In the picture above is the Spanish Era. I learned from my professor that the 'Filipinos' before are not the real 'Filipinos' by blood. They are the Spaniards who are living in the Philippines. And the 'Filipinos' by blood are called 'indios'. During the revolutions of our heroes like Rizal and Bonifacio to gain freedom after 300 years of being conqured the 'Filipinos' or the Spaniards living in the Philippines at that time were enjoying the first films like 'The boxer' and 'A man in a hat'. (Note: those are the english translation of the movie names)  

The Spanish - American Era in the Philippine Cinema

Creative way of maximizing the stairs

My friend Kristine together with her blockmate
posing in the Zamboanga room

Japanese Era in the Philippine Cinema

Japanese Era

               During the three years invasion of the Japanese in the Philippines is under a puppet republic. By puppet means President Jose P. Laurel is just a 'front' but the reality the Japanese are the ones who are controlling the government. Our professor made us analyze this during the discussion.

The Golden Age of Philippine Cinema

Original costumes use in the movies

Beautiful Nida Blanca (forgive me I forgot the name of his leading
man in this picture feel free to comment if you know)

Feu 3rd year Mass Communication students enjoying the tour


The 3 Major studio in the '60's

Stars of the 1970's



Stars of the '70's

Photo op with our Prof.  Jamal AshleyAbbas
('90's room)

FPJ, The King of Philippine Cinema

Miniature of FPJ's Panday

Outside are Human size cardboard of movie characters
 and stars in the new millennium

                  At the end of the tour there is a small canteen with affordable and delicious barbecue and rice combo. And these nice view of the whole musuem. I reminisce the time when my brother use to scold of watching too many Philippine movies even those where the Philippine's King of Comedy Dolphy is still young and the famous beauty Paraluman. After the tour, I might go back to that habit once more. 

Outside Mowelfund Museum

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