Monday, September 2, 2013

Reaction: 1928 Surrealism Film Un Chien Andalou

slashing of  the eye scene in Un Chien Andalou
phoro from:
            The short film was shown to us right after the discussion. After watching the whole film I came to realization that it is true Surrealism is dream like. 
              Honestly speaking being a cinema student I have that 'margin' not to look at anticipating scenes that would make me struggle in mind like those that would promote lust and like that particular scene who is for me horrifying. And I wouldn't share this without relating to my blog post of course. ;) In the film there is no sequence and blissfully enough I was able to grasped our lesson that surrealism film being dream like means there is no real narrative so I didn't even attempt to analyze it. What I did feel is like I'm watching someone else's dream. There is no direct story but I can understand some of it's factors or rather symbolism. The main mood of the film for me is fear. Has anyone of you experience this - one person is trying to harm you, open the door you end up to another room again. Then the next part of your dream is another theme where someone will do this to you, or that you are running. And the part where lustful dreams play maybe out of what you saw before you sleep or what you've been thinking on your mind (I have struggled with this for years and I feel in it is not healthy for my relationship with my Savior this is the reason of my margin hope you get it. :) ) Then you wake up being in the arms of your love one. Remember those who says what is in your dream is the opposite of what will be in the reality, in my own understanding I believe this is what the film is trying to suggest. 

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