Monday, September 2, 2013

Follow Up Notes for French Impressionism and Surrealism

       Good day my dear readers! As Promise from my previous post here are some of my notes in our lecture that I want to share. These are the things that I learn:

(Menilmontant: short movie given to us during our lecture. Must watch!)
  • French Impressionism: 
    • "Force the audience to experience" through focusing on special effects like superimposition one image and blurring or distorting some image. 
    • Trivia from our professor: the movement was the first one to 
      • use wide screen 
      • point of view scenes or as what I understood they shoot it in the way our human eyes can see for example given to us the camera is inside the car so what the driver sees is what the audience sees

      • started the dollying - a small wheeled platform, usu. having a short boom, on which a movie or television camera can be mounted for making moving shots. (definition from:

      • to use the Handheld Camera
      • putting tints
    • 1929, sound came to cinema, films become expensive and impressionist directors had lost in financial banking 
  • Surrealism 
    • Andre Breton - I learn that he is the spokesman of the movement. He is the guy that I read on the book who join a communist party that's why many suspect that surrealism promotes communism. 
    • It is dream like, and as to our class discussion in dreams there are no cause and effect.
    • Problem for the viewers of surrealism is that we might search for the narrative that is not really present. Because again it is confirmed that it is anti-narrative. 
Thank you for checking out my blog. Stay tune for another review about surrealism. :) 
To God be the Glory! 

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