Sunday, August 18, 2013

German Expressionism 


It is a rainy weather here in the Philippines. Classes are suspended. I will take advantage of this ‘good student’ vibe in me. Let me share you the things I learn about German expressionism.

First, let me start in sharing to you my understanding of our lesson during our class last Wednesday under our professor Mr. Jamal Ashley Abbas. To give a brief background and (supporting credibility for what will I write for the next few paragraphs) Prof. Abbas have a Master of Arts degree in Film at the University of the Philippines, getting the best M.A. thesis in Film. To know him more check out his blog. Just click the next tab besides my home tab. going back these are the things that I learned and understand.

Dracula films are good examples of German Expressionism.
picture source:

German expressionism is closely related but still different from film noir (my last post). Being so confuse with the two I ask our professor what is the difference between the two. He answered simply: Film Noir is a Film Genre and German Expressionism is a style. To further support that it has been discuss to us that the said style can be seen not only in films but in theatre, paintings and several writings as well. Remember those abstract paintings you saw in your last museum visit? Yes, that’s it. : )   it has been described as with highly stylized visuals, strange asymmetrical camera angles and atmospheric lighting. For my dear young readers, I know what you feel. Deep words need further understanding. Looking at my notes these are the few simple ones that I think can support that.

         There is harsh contrast between dark and light. Shadows and silhouettes are most important. Story lines have a sombre (MS word synonyms: serious, sad, dull) mood, characters came from a corrupt environment, there are motifs of claustrophobia and paranoia Give it to a virtual high five for those like me with a weak heart for this kind of films, scary right? However, cheers to those who says ‘exciting!’ 
The Student of Prague film still
The Student Prague 1913 - First Expressionism Film
shared by our professor sir Abbas
 picture source:

         Of course, there is a reason behind everything. This is the part that I will mix up my notes and things I understand from the excerpt of a book (David Bordwell & Kristen Thompson – Film Art: An Introduction) we are recommended to read. It is said that the German Expressionism was the answers to the frim reality of daily life. The loss of innocence of the German people, coping up with the depression, hurt of sex murderers, veterans, death of love ones, all during the first world war years of 1919 – 1929.  It is said in the book that American, Italian, Danish films are the most dominant in German theatres at that time. However, America and France began to pull out their film imports during the war. So the government began to support the film industry. The authors said that in 1916 import films were band and film production companies arise, from 12 – 131 companies in the span of year 1911 to 1918.

        There are also few notes in understanding expressionism. Great help for me, these are the ones I considered most important. Emotion over realism this is how expressionism was describe. Gothic, film noir, it is all about stylization. It focuses on photography, lighting, stylized, artificial stylized sets, overly theatrical means heavy make – up and integration of all the mise-en-scene ( the stage setting or scenery of a play) elements.

        Lastly, the main aims of German style is to give emphasis on design or the mise – en – scene, uncanny atmosphere, less on editing and story compare to Hollywood and of course the film must look abstract. 

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